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The aftermath! - Part 1

It's been almost a year since I met my buddy and we have actually become good friends. We had calls regularly, some work-related, some when we were just bored and wanted to chill. We kept in touch on Instagram and WhatsApp as well. We would talk about all sorts of things; life, our interests, books, relationships, songs... We would send each other stupid videos or things that we thought would help the other.

I actually started to miss him but I was so sure that I was never going to see him again.

After I came back from the business trip, my life turned upside down. I broke up with my fiance (we'll go into that in another post), I was gonna lose my dogs cause he wanted to keep them (they were registered under his name and I couldn't do anything about it), my sister was having a baby whom we knew was nothing going to survive, I was living with my ex, and then with my mum, and then with my friend. 

The only good thing going for me was my job. After I came back I was depressed for weeks. I wanted to go back, and not for 3 weeks, forever. Or at least for a few years.

I know what you're thinking, and no my new buddy was not the reason why - surprising isn't it? Although it was comforting knowing I would see him every day and that I would have a friend in a new country.

But the real reason was, I felt like I had found a whole new side of the world that I was so oblivious to, and that made me realise that I wanted more. I wanted to get out of the tiny island I called home for such a long time and that gave me zero satisfaction of who I was as a person. I wanted to explore new cultures, new cities, landscapes, and seas, I wanted to learn new languages, and religions - a new way of life.

So, I decided it was time to take control of my life and start doing things for myself instead of others. And just like that, my whole perspective on life changed. It was an exciting time for me! 

I didn't waste any time. I started doing my research, I told my family and my friends, and I told my boss (my then-boss, not the boss who started out as my buddy - to be clear). He said that the company would be more than happy to help me relocate and that got me pumped even more! 

I was planning to leave in approximately 6 months. I needed to sort some things out before I could leave - the major one being selling the house I had bought with my ex! I was actually the one that was gonna buy it as I put my heart and soul into that place and property is always a good investment anyway. But the process was the same as buying from scratch so that was gonna take some time and I needed to stay in the country until all the paperwork was done.

3 months have passed and I had 3 months left until my biggest dream ever will come true! I was a beaming ray of sunshine - heck I was all the rays the sun could possibly have! I was spreading happiness and positivity like my life depended on it - and in some way it did. I couldn't believe something I wanted was actually coming true for me. I deserved this, I worked hard for this, I made this happen!

As I was getting closer to starting my new life, I had an appointment at the notary's office to start the process of selling and buying my house...again. Both me and my ex were there. We went in, all was good, and we signed the papers. 

As we were leaving the office, he tells me that he is going to give away the dogs because it is too much of a responsibility for him and they are too big (we had a rottweiler and a boxer/rottie mix) for him to handle - pussy. He asked me if I wanted to take them back or else he was going to put them up for adoption.

Now. Anyone who knows me will tell you that I would DIE for my dogs so I was 1000% ready to take them home with me. 

The only problem was, in the country I was going to, my dogs were banned from entering.

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