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The aftermath! - Part 2

P.S. - I would reeeaaalllyyy recommend you to read part 1 before committing to this one!

Before I continue to take you on the wonderfully mixed-up journey I call my life, I have a question for you guys. Based on what you read in part 1, what would YOU have done? And I really would like you to comment before continuing reading...

What did I do next? I went home and cried. Like really cried. Like I thought I was going to die cried. I remember thinking "My life ended". There I was planning my big move and starting my new life and telling everyone how happy I was and how I was finally moving away. And then this!

My heart was torn in half, literally. Leaving my dogs behind or giving them up was never a choice. 

Yes, I admit, I did try to find a good home for them. But no home was ever going to be good enough. Their home was with me! And even if I did, I know that I never would have gone through with it. So, I decided to stay.

I wouldn't say it was a hard decision because I knew deep down I couldn't live with myself if I left them behind. The hard part was accepting my faith. Maybe I wasn't meant to leave my country. Maybe dreams don't really come true. Maybe I was not meant to be happy. 

But I wasn't going to sulk in my unfortunate events. There is a popular quote by Dr. Wayne Dyer. The quote is, “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” I didn't want to look at my dogs in regret and wonder what my life could have been if I didn't have them, so, I decided to make the best out of it and give my dogs the best life they can have. That was going to be my purpose from now on. 

After about 4 weeks, I told the Head of Office that I was not able to transfer after all. I explained everything to her - she knew I was going through a tough time with the break up cause my ex became a stalker, and that we had lost my nephew a few weeks prior, and now this. 

She is a very empathetic person, helpful, and a very good listener. After hearing me out, I received a notification from her.

"You need a break. Plan a short trip or something."

"Do you want to go on a business trip again?"

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