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Why am I here?

That's a good question! And I find myself asking it a myself. No, I'm not crazy - not totally anyway. But I like to reflect back on my life and think about all the events that led me here and how they happened.

I moved out of my home country a bit over a year ago and I'm LOVING it!! I've been crying to move away since I was 14 years old (I am not going to expose my age...yet), and it's everything I always hoped it would be - the freedom, the mystery, the excitement, the unpredictability - I'm all for it! But the one thing that no one warns you about, is the loneliness. 

Don't get me wrong, I have friends, more than I thought I would have and better than I've ever had in my life. But the problem is, they're also my colleagues. I imagine you're asking "How is that a problem exactly?", and here is where it gets a little bit complicated...

I had a relationship with my boss.

Hey! This is a judgment-free zone, remember?

Anyway, back to the juicy stuff. The relationship started a few days after I moved here. We've known each other for 2 years before we started dating but it only lasted for 6 months. Obviously, it was a secret relationship, so none of our work friends knew about it and they still don't know about it - it's been 7 months since we broke up.

And as much as I hate to admit it, or try to convince myself otherwise, I'm still hung up on the motherfucker - mostly because I still see him every single day...and he's my ride to and from's a complicated story. So because I cannot talk to any one of my friends here and all my friends and family back home won't fully understand the situation (and maybe I'm ashamed to say a few things), I decided to revert to you guys, where I can be honest and unfiltered about every little detail and ask you, what would you do if you were in my shoes?

And yes, I am going to tell you how all of this started - but that story's for another post...

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